After School Good News Clubs will be back in select area schools for Fall 2024!
Kids, you can watch a new weekly Good News Club on "Good News TV". It's a 30 minute Good News Club presented as a live video, posted to U-NITE YOUTUBE channel for kids. Click below to Watch!

The on-line Good News Club will include a Bible lesson, song and memory verse and cliff hanger missionary story inviting children back the following week.

Are your kids anxious about current events, hurricanes, and bad things that happen? CEF has a great publication that addresses children's anxiety over natural disasters, trauma and upsetting events called "Do You Wonder Why?" It provides answers to many tough questions. You can click below to see the video or read this comforting devotional.

Child Evangelism Fellowship® believes in reaching children where they are—schools, parks, playgrounds… and a new phone app. "God's Word - Hide it" check it out!

Available in iPhone App store.
Android App coming soon.
God's Word - Hide It Phone App
An Interactive experience for Kids
* Read and Listen to Bible Verses
* Play Interactive memorization games
* Color Bible verse illustration Pages
* Sing along karaoke style to songs